Internship Endowment Application Form

Thank you for your interest in applying for an internship endowment to support your internship experience with a non-profit or community agency. Please complete and submit this form. Students need to have secured an internship at the time of submission. Questions? email [email protected].

Before submitting application, students are strongly encouraged to meet with:

  • Professional writing tutors in the Learning Center. Make an appointment here or visit their office in the Student Enrichment Center, Room 201.
  • Career services to answer questions and/or receive feedback. Make an appointment or stop by on Mondays and Wednesdays during common hour (11:30 am-1 pm)- no appointment needed.
Is your internship paid?
Is your internship with a nonprofit or community agency? If you are not sure, please contact career services at [email protected]

Sorry! You are not eligible for this endowment.

If you are an international student, have you met with the International Students Office (Cindy Domingo or Takashi Iwasaki) to confirm your eligibility for this endowment?

Sorry, you cannot submit your application until you have been cleared by the International Students Office.

Is this internship required for graduation?
Your Status
Rest of the form
Your 9 digit PSU ID
Address of the Internship Site
Upload requirements


Internship offer letter, which should include the following.

  • Name of organization
  • Supervisor's name
  • Supervisor’s phone number
  • Job title of supervisor
  • Address of the Internship Site (street, city, state, and zip code)
  • Student name
  • Start and end date of experience
  • Type of internship (in-person, remote or hybrid)
  • Total number of hours for the internship
  • A statement that the experience is unpaid
  • Signed and dated by organization’s representative

Note: A screenshot or other digital document including these criteria will also be accepted.

Upload requirements


Your essay should include

  • Explain how this opportunity aligns with your career exploration and goals.
  • Detail how these funds will be used, include financial support from other sources.
  • Describe any additional considerations for the committee, such as financial need, hardship, or other challenges.

Upload requirements
Award Agreements