Photos from Penn State Harrisburg's fall play, "Clue," which was one of five shows selected to perform at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region 2, in Pittsburgh in January. Three members of the cast were also invited to compete in the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Competition.

Penn State Harrisburg students and staff recently took their production of “Clue” on the road to perform at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region 2. Three members of the cast were also invited to compete in the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Competition: Chantelle Harris, who played Miss Scarlett; Katelyn Isbill, who played Mrs. Peacock; and Caleb Steindel, who played Professor Plum.

Penn State Harrisburg students and staff recently took their production of “Clue” on the road to perform at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region 2. In the fall, the theater festival sends representatives – often college theater professors, as well as working theater professionals – to watch college productions throughout the region, which includes Pennsylvania and nine other states, and selects shows to perform at the festival.