Matthew Maldet Award for Students in the School of Business


The purpose of this scholarship shall be to provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding graduate and undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Harrisburg who are adult learners and who have a demonstrated need for funds to meet their necessary college expenses.


School of Business Administration


Combination Award


Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all outstanding full or part-time graduate and undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Harrisburg who are adult learners and who have a demonstrated need for funds to meet their necessary college expenses. From the identified pool of eligible recipients, and to the extent permitted by law, first preference shall be given to female students who are pursuing a  business degree. If no students meet the first preference in a given year, second preference shall be given, to the extent permitted by law, to female students. If no students meet the stated preferences in a given year, available funds will be awarded to any student based on the general eligibility criteria, regardless of preference.

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