Research Interests
- Medical Image Processing / Visualization
- Physics-Based Deformable Models
- Variational Methods
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- Collaborative Groupware
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Online/Offline Learning Systems
S. Chang, H. Emoto, D. N. Metaxas, and L. Axel, "Pulmonary Micronodule Detection from 3D Chest CT ," MICCAI 2004: 7th International Conference, Saint-Malo , France, September 26 - 29, 2004. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3217:821-828, Springer, 2004.
S. Chang, D. N. Metaxas, and L. Axel, "Scan-Conversion Algorithm for Ridge Point Detection on Tubular Objects," MICCAI 2003: 6th International Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November 16-18, 2003. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2879:158-165, Springer, 2003.
S. Chang, C. A. Kulikowski, S. M. Dunn, and S. Levy, "Biomedical Image Skeletonization: A Novel Method Applied to Fibrin Network Structures," MedInfo 2001, London, UK, September 2 - 5, 2001.
S. Chang, C. A. Kulikowski, S. M. Dunn, S. Levy, and J. W. Weisel, "Skeletonization of Fibrin Networks," Microscopy and Microanalysis, Philadelphia, PA, August 14 - 17, 2000.
S. Chang, S. M. Dunn, and P. F. Stelt, "Volume Visualization for Localized Tomography," The fifth symposium on Digital Imaging in Dental Radiology, 1998.
L. Gong, C. A. Kulikowski, and S. Chang, "Knowledge-Based Planning for Intelligent Control In Real-Time Groupware," Intelligent Systems and Computer Applications Conference, 1997.
L. Gong, C. A. Kulikowski, and S. Chang, "An Intelligent Groupware Environment for Real-Time Distributed Medical Collaboration," The 21st symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1997.
B.S.; M.S.; Ph.D. (Rutgers)