Dr. Brown is currently an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Penn State Harrisburg and has been part of the faculty since 2013. He holds a B.A. in History from St. Joseph’s University, an M.B.A from Lehigh University and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Temple University. Dr. Brown was the recipient of the 2013-2014 Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year Award (School of Business Administration) and the 2019-2020 Excellence in Teaching Award (Campus-wide). He currently has 26 peer-reviewed publications in outlets such as the Journal of International Management, Management Decision, Business and Politics, Journal of Air Transport Management, Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Managerial Issues and Journal of Management and Organization.
Research Interests
- Corporate Political Activity (Lobbying, Regulatory Capture)
- Corporate Failure (Managerial Dysfunctions, Bankruptcy)
- Franchising (Franchisor-Franchisee Power Dynamics)
- Oligopolistic Competition (Cartelization, Anti-Trust, Monopoly Power)
Brown, R. 2020. Exogenous Shocks and Managerial Preparedness: A Study of U.S. Airlines’ Environmental Scanning Before the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Air Transport Management, 89 (with William Kline). [Impact Factor 6.0]
Brown, R. 2019. Overcoming the Liability of Foreignness Through Lobbying: An Examination of Franchise Systems. Journal of International Management, 25(2) (with William Kline). [Impact Factor 6.1]
Brown, R. 2018. Franchise Systems and Lobbying: Implications for Olsonian Collective Action Theory. Management Decision, 56(11): 2357-2372. [Impact Factor 5.59]
Brown, R. 2018. Political Activities of Oil and Gas Firms in the United States. Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 13(6): 291-300. [Impact Factor 3.9]
Brown, R. 2017. Scanning and Updating Failure: How AT&T Turned Its Political Capabilities Into a Core Rigidity. Telecommunications Policy, 41: 71-89. [Impact Factor 5.6]
Brown, R. 2016. Lobbying, Political Connectedness and Financial Performance in the Air Transportation Industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 54: 61-69. [Impact Factor 6.0]
Total Peer Reviewed Publications: 29
h-index = 10
i10-index = 12