Dr. Lewis Asimeng-Boahene is currently an associate professor at The Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg. He is a teacher educator and researcher who teaches social studies education, world regional geography, comparative education and foundations of curriculum. He is an author of several journal articles and book chapters in his field. He co-edited Strangers in new Homelands: The Social Deconstruction and Reconstruction of "Home" among Immigrants in the Diaspora.His research interests include African oral traditional literature as pedagogical tools in content area classrooms, social studies education, multicultural education and international comparative education. Dr. Asimeng-Boahene has led workshops and presented both at the U.S. and international schools and conferences.
Research Interests
- African History & Culture
- Social Studies Education
- Multicultural/Global Education
- Curriculum & Instruction
Asimeng-Boahene, L. (2010). Educational wisdom of African oral literature: African proverbs as vehicles for enhancing critical thinking skills in social studies education. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 5(3), 59-69
Asimeng-Boahene, L & Marinak, B. A. (2010) Well- Chosen Words: Thinking critically about African proverbs. Social Studies and the Young Learner. 23(1), P1-P4
Asimeng-Boahene, L (2007). "Creating Strategies to Deal with Problems of Teaching Controversial Issues in Social Studies Education in African Schools" International Education, 18(3), 231-242
Rachel Grant & Asimeng-Boahene, L (2006) "Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Citizenship Education: Using African Proverbs as Tools for Teaching in Urban Schools in the United States" Multicultural Perspectives, 8(4), 17-24.
Asimeng-Boahene, L (2005) "Gender Inequity in Science and Mathematics Education in Africa: The Causes, Consequences and Solutions" Education, Vol. 126, No. 4, PP. 711-728
Asimeng-Boahene, L (Fall/Winter 2005/2006) "The Transmission Approach and the Use of Community Resources to the Teaching of Social Studies in Africa: The Case of Botswana." Journal of the Middle States Council for the Social Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 30-40
Asimeng-Boahene, L (2004) "The Prospects and Problems of African Social Studies Teachers as Action Researchers: A Spotlight on Ghana." Educational Action Research, Vol. 12, No. 2, PP. 273-285.
Asimeng-Boahene, L & Klein, Ana M (Fall 2004) "Is the Diversity Issue a Non-Issue in Mainstream Academia?" Multicultural Education, Vol. 12, No. 1, PP. 47-52.
Asimeng-Boahene, L (Fall/Winter 2003/2004) "From the Periphery to Prominence: Four Decades of Social Studies Education in Africa, with a Focus on Ghana." Journal of the Middle States Council for the Social Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, PP. 58-66
Asimeng-Boahene, L (March/April 2003) "Understanding and Preventing Burnout among Social Studies Teachers in Africa." The Social Studies, Vol. 94, No. 2, PP. 58-62.
Adeyemi, M. B. & Asimeng-Boahene, L. (March 2001) "Democracy and Social Studies Education at the Junior Secondary Level in Botswana" Pastoral Care in Education, Vol. 19,
B.A.; M.A.; Ph.D. (Ohio)