Heidi Abbey Moyer, M.A., M.L.S.

Heidi Abbey Moyer, M.A., M.L.S.
Humanities Librarian and Archivist, Library
Archives and Special Collections, Room 303A
Madlyn L. Hanes Library
Penn State Harrisburg
351 Olmsted Dr.
Middletown, PA 17057

Ms. Moyer is a tenured faculty member who holds the rank of Librarian in the Penn State University Libraries. At Penn State Harrisburg, she is the Archivist, Humanities Reference Librarian, and Coordinator of Archives and Special Collections in the Madlyn Levine Hanes Library. As the Humanities Librarian, she serves as the library faculty liaison to the School of Humanities, which includes providing stewardship of the library's arts and humanities print and online collections, research support to humanities faculty and students, and library information literacy and specialized instruction as requested by teaching faculty. As the Archivist for Penn State Harrisburg, Ms. Moyer curates ten, specialized archival collections, including the Alice K. Marshall Women's History Collection (1546-1997), the Penn State Harrisburg College History Archives (1966-Present), the Pennsylvania Center for Folklore Collection, the Holocaust and Jewish Studies Collection, the J. Randall Plummer Photography Collection, the Fred Greguras Camp Meade Collection, the Three Mile Island Collection, and several other unique primary resources that support teaching and learning across the college and at the University.

Born and raised in Harrisburg, PA, Ms. Moyer has nearly thirty years of experience working for academic libraries and archives in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. She holds a B.A. in art history and biology (Juniata College), an M.A. in art history (University of Maryland, College Park), and an M.L.S. with a specialization in archives and records management (University at Albany, S.U.N.Y.). Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State in 2006, Ms. Moyer worked for twelve years at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT, in the Art & Design Library, and as UConn's first Digital Collections Librarian in Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.

Her current research agenda focuses on three topics: tenure for academic archivists in the United States, social justice and DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility) in archival repositories, and the ketogenic diet in American popular and consumer culture. Ms. Moyer is also active in regional and national professional organizations, such as MARAC (Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference), the Oral History Association, and the Society of American Archivists. Since 2018, she has served as an Editor for the MARAC Technical Leaflet Series ( https://www.marac.info/technical-leaflet-series ), a peer-reviewed publication with practical instruction for specific archival tasks not commonly addressed in the professional literature.

  • Academic tenure and promotion for archivists and special collections librarians
  • Advocacy and outreach for archives, special collections, and museums
  • Archival and primary source literacy and archival instruction
  • Art and museum librarianship
  • Digital collections, digital curation, and digital preservation
  • Fertility and Motherhood in American popular culture
  • History of children's book illustration and literature
  • Nuptial iconography in black- and red-figure ancient Greek vase painting
  • Parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome
  • Social justice, DEIA, and academic archives
  • Sustainability in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs)
  • Type II diabetes, the ketogenic diet, and foodways in American consumer culture
  • Women's studies, especially woman suffrage in America and the UK, and digital archives

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2021). "Oral History Program, Designing and Managing." The Handbook of Archival Practice. Ed. Patricia C. Franks. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2021). "Sustainability." The Handbook of Archival Practice. Ed. Patricia C. Franks. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey (Co-Author and Co-Presenter 25%), Newman, L. P., Clark, R., Burke, K. A., and Sauer, B. M. (2021). "Looking Back, Looking Forward, Lessons Learned: Archives Management and Leadership During COVID-19," May 20, 2021. MARAC Occasional Webinar Series, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC).

Moyer, Heidi Abbey (Co-Author and Co-Presenter 25%), Walton, Rachel, Scott, Elizabeth M., and Hankins, Rebecca L. (2020). "Reappraising Our Professional Identity: Addressing the Knowledge Gap with Tenure and Promotion for Academic Archivists," August 5, 2020. 84th Joint Annual Meeting, "Creating Our Future," Archives * Records 2020, and 2020 SAA Research Forum: Foundations and Innovations, Council of State Archivists (CoSA) and Society of American Archivists (SAA).

Moyer, Heidi Abbey (2020). "Preserving Your Historical Treasures: Best Practices to Archive Paper-Based & Born-Digital Materials," April 10, 2020. Spring Meeting of the Gettysburg Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Gettysburg Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Moyer, H. A. (Co-Author and Co-Presenter 25%), Scott, Elizabeth M., Walton, Rachel, and Hankins, Rebecca L. (2019). "Leading with Tenure & Promotion: Navigating the Dynamics of Power, Research, and Service in the Archives Profession," August 4, 2019. 83rd Joint Annual Meeting, "Transformative!" Archives * Records 2019, Council of State Archivists (CoSA) and Society of American Archivists (SAA), J. W. Marriott Austin, Austin, TX,

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2018). “What to Keep? An Archivist’s Perspective on Best Practices and Strategies for Collecting, Preserving, and Engaging with History,” August 5, 2018. Phelps-Hatheway House and Garden, Suffield, Connecticut.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey (Co-Author and Co-Presenter 33%), Scott, Elizabeth, and Walton, Rachel. (2018). “Transparency in the Tenure Process: A Frank Discussion on Earning Tenure and Thriving as an Archivist in Academia,” June 21, 2018. Webinar for the PaLA College & Research Division’s "Connect and Communicate Series."

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2017). “Celebrating 50 Years at Penn State Harrisburg: A Visual History of the Art, Architecture, Events, and People that Made the Capital College (1966-2016),” April 24, 2017. Presentation during the Spring 2017 Meeting of the Historic Harrisburg Association, Harrisburg, PA.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2017). "Our Bodies Ourselves (ourbodiesourselves.org) (1969-present)." Women's Rights: Reflections in Popular Culture. Ed. Ann M. Savage. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood/ABC-Clio.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2016). "Teaching the 'F Word' to the Next Generation: The Intersection of Archives, Women’s History, and Fourth-Wave Feminism at Penn State Harrisburg." August 3, 2016. Oxford Women's Leadership Symposium (OWLS), University of Oxford, Somerville College, Oxford, England.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2016). Penn State Harrisburg. The Campus History Series. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing.

Moyer, Heidi Abbey. (2015). "A History of Women's Lives: Collection Highlights Reality Versus Stereotypes." American Libraries Vol. 46.6: 74.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2015). "Results of the MAS Membership Survey 2014." Museum Archivist: Newsletter of the Museum Archives Section. Vol. 25.1: 3-4.

Abbey, Heidi N. and Jennie Thomas. (2014). "From the Co-Chairs." Museum Archivist: Newsletter of the Museum Archives Section. Vol. 24.2: 1-2.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2013). "Three Mile Island, Three Decades Later. Case Study Three: The People and Perspectives of Middletown, Pennsylvania." Exhibits in Archives and Special Collections Libraries. Ed. Jessica Lacher-Feldman. Chicago, IL: Society of American Archivists, 142-149.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2013). "Preserving Digital Content." Jump-Start Your Career as a Digital Librarian: A LITA Guide. Ed. Jane Monson. Chicago, IL: Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 197-214.

Abbey, Heidi N. and Jennie Thomas. (2013). "Meet the Incoming Co-Chairs---Jennie Thomas & Heidi N. Abbey." Museum Archivist: Newsletter of the Museum Archives Section. Vol. 23.2: 2-3.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2012). "The Green Archivist: A Primer for Adopting Affordable, Environmentally Sustainable, and Socially Responsible Archival Management Practices." Archival Issues 34.2: 91-115.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2012). "Does a Decade Make a Difference? Comparing the Web Presence of North American Art Museum Libraries and Archives in 1999 and 2011." Art Libraries Journal (ARLIS/UK & Ireland) 37.3: 34-40.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2012). "Calling All Bloggers! MARAC Joins the Blogosphere." The Mid-Atlantic Archivist (MAA) 41.1: 19.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2012). "Celebrating Women All Year Long: The Alice Marshall Women's History Collection at Penn State Harrisburg's Archives and Special Collections." InterView 6.13: 2.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2010). "Buying into a Designer Childhood: Fashionista Moms Creating Community and Identity Online." October 22, 2010. Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) Annual Conference. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Abbey, Heidi N. (Accepted 2010). "Fertility." Encyclopedia of American Women's History. Ed. Dr. Hasia Diner. New York: Facts On File, Inc.

Abbey, Heidi N. (Accepted 2010). "Infertility." Encyclopedia of American Women's History. Ed. Dr. Hasia Diner. New York: Facts On File, Inc.

Abbey, Heidi N. (Accepted 2007). "Marriage." Women in American History: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Dr. Hasia Diner. New York, NY: Facts On File, Inc.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2006). "Appreciating Frederick Matzow's Art." Frederick Matzow (1861-1938): Meriden's Artist-in-Residence. Eds. Heidi N. Abbey and David and Agnes Baur. Windsor, CT: Bizhub Image Center, 29-38.

Abbey, Heidi N. (2002). "Art Through the Ages Online: An Evaluative Webliography of Art and Art History Timelines." Art Libraries Journal (ARLIS/UK & Ireland) 27.2: 5-7.

Abbey, Heidi N. and Kathleen R. Labadorf. (2001). "Digital Collections Online (DCO): Find the Resources You Need Fast!" Internet Librarian 2001: Proceedings of the Fifth Internet Librarian Conference. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 1-5.

M.L.S., University at Albany, S.U.N.Y.
M.A., University of Maryland, College Park
B.A., Juniata College