Dr. Mathew’s research investigates the use of waste products in construction materials including reclaimed waste-to-energy aggregates, foamed glass aggregates, and flat panel display glass. His primary focus in on the use of these materials in cementitious products including cast in place concrete, masonry blocks, and precast applications. Dr. Mathews is a licensed professional engineer with a background in structural design and materials. He currently severs on the ASTM C09 committee for concrete and concrete aggregates (2017 – present) and the ASCE SEI Sustainability Disaster Resilience Committee (2021 – present).
Before joining Penn State Harrisburg in August 2015, Dr. Mathews was a research assistant at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Mathews also worked at Ferrell Engineering, Inc. (2008 – 2011) designing steel connections for high rise buildings.
Research Interests
- Reuse of waste products in construction materials
- Concrete durability
- Leaching performance
Shollenberger, H., Mathews, G., Young, M. et al. A solar radiation and biosand filtration system for cooking and water treatment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2022).
Mathews, G., Murtadza, N. & Maicke, B.A. An Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity from the Transient Plane Source Method and Prediction Equations for Concrete Incorporating Foamed Glass Aggregates and Gravel. International Journal of Civil Engineering (2022).
G. Mathews IV, K. Dalesandro, M. Young, M. Soliman (2021). “Waste-to-Energy reclaimed sands as lightweight aggregates for internally cured self-consolidated precast concrete”. Construction and Building Materials, 280, 1-9.
Mathews, G., Moazeni, F., & Smolinski, R. (2020). “Treatment of reclaimed municipal solid waste incinerator sands using alkaline treatments with mechanical agitation.” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 22(3), 1-9.
Mathews, G., Clark, S., Nash, H., & Bylone, R. (2020). “Water quality of runoff from flat panel display glass concrete during modified accelerated aging plus leaching tests.” Water Environment Research, 92(7), 1-9.
Mathews, G., Sinnan, R., and Young, M. (2019). “Evaluation of reclaimed municipal solid waste incinerator sands in concrete.”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 838 – 849.
Mathews, G. F., Rizos, D. C., & Mullen, R. L. (2018). “An interior-constraint BEM for regularization of problems with improper boundary conditions.”, Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 2(2), 1-18.
Mathews IV, G. F., Mullen, R. L., and Rizos, D. C. (2014). “Highly stable explicit temporal integration for discrete element computations.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 1-10.
B.S.; M.S.; Ph.D. (University of South Carolina)
Papers and Presentations
Mathews, G., Soliman, M. A., Dalesandro, K. J., & Young, M. J. (2019). “The utilization of reclaimed waste to energy aggregates as lightweight sand in concrete masonry units.”, 13th North American Masonry Conference, 687-695.
Mathews, G., Bylone, R. J., Nash, H. A., & Clark, S. E. (2019). “Durability performance of flat panel display glass concrete.” Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 61-70.
Mathews, G., Alsinan, R., & Young, M. J. (2019). “Study on the use of post processed MSWI ash in concrete and mortar.”, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 292-300.
Mathews, G., and Cecere, J. J. (2017). “Integrating a capstone course in an engineering technology curriculum.”, ASEE Conference Proceedings. # of pages = 9
Mathews, G., Abu-Mahfouz, I., and Young, M. J. (2016). “Heat transfer optimization of a solar radiation concrete oven for rural areas.”, COMSOL Proceedings, 1-9.
Cecere, J., Mathews IV, G. F. (2016). “The Construction Industry and Penn State, A winning relationship”, CIEC Conference, # of pages = 5.
Mathews IV, G. F., Mullen, R., and Rizos, D. C. (2014). “Studies on the accuracy, stability, and efficiency of a new time integration scheme for ballast modeling using the discrete element method.” Joint Rail Conference, 1-9.
Mathews IV, G. F., Mullen, R. L., and Rizos, D. C. (2014). "Highly stable explicit temporal integration for discrete element computations." ASCE J. Comput. Civil Eng., 04014084-1- 04014084-10.