Research Interests
- Thermal Management
- Medical device development
- Multi-physics modeling
- Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for oncology applications
- Thermal oncology
- Artificial Organs
- Biotransport
Attaluri A*., Seshadri M*., Wabler M., Mirpour S., Zhou H., Ivkov R., and Liapi E., 2016 "Image-guided thermal therapy with a dual-contrast magnetic nanoparticle formulation: A feasibility study", Early-online, International Journal of Hyperthermia (equal contributions)
Attaluri A., Kandala S., Wabler W., Zhou H., Cornejo C., Armour M., Hedayati M., Zhang Y., DeWeese TL., Herman C., and Ivkov R., 2015, "Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia enhances radiation therapy: A study in mouse models of human prostate cancer", International Journal of Hyperthermia, 31(4), 359-374.
Wabler M., Zhu W., Hedayati M., Attaluri A., Zhou H., Mihalic J., A. Geyh A., DeWeese T.L., Ivkov R., Artemov D., 2014, "Magnetic resonance imaging contrast of iron oxide nanoparticles developed for hyperthermia is dominated by iron content" International Journal of Hyperthermia, 30(3), 192 - 200.
Chamani A., Mehta HP., McDermott MK., Djeffal M., Nayyar G., Patwardhan DV., Attaluri A., Topoleski TLD., and Zhu L., 2014, "Theoretical Simulation of Temperature Elevations in a Joint Wear Simulator During Rotations," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 136(2), 021027, Paper No: BIO-13-1394.
Manuchehrabadi N., Toughiri R., Bieberich C., Cai H., Attaluri A., Edziah R., Lalanne E., Johnson AM., Ma R., Zhu L., 2013, "Treatment efficacy of laser photothermal therapy using gold nanorods," International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 12(2), 157-176.
Lebrun A., Manuchehrabadi N., Attaluri A., Wang F., Ma R., and Zhu L., 2013, "MicroCT Image Generated Tumor Geometry and SAR Distribution for Tumor Temperature Elevation Simulations in Magnetic Nanoparticle Hyperthermia", International Journal of Hyperthermia, 29(8), 730 - 738.
Attaluri A., Nusbaum C., Wabler W., and Ivkov R., 2013, "Calibration of a quasi-adiabatic magnetothermal calorimeter used to characterize magnetic nanoparticle heating", Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 4(1), 011006 (8 pages).
Kumar A., Attaluri A*., Mallipudi R., Cornejo C., Bordelon D., Armour M., Morua K., DeWeese TL, Ivkov R, 2013, "Method to reduce non-specific tissue heating of small animals in solenoid coils", International Journal of Hyperthermia, 29(2), pp.106-120 (*equal contributions)
Manuchehrabadi N., Attaluri A., Cai H., Edziah E., Lalanne E., Bieberich
C., Ma R., Johnson AM., and Zhu L., 2012 "MicroCT Imaging and In Vivo Temperature Elevations in Implanted Prostatic Tumors during Laser Photothermal Therapy Using Gold Nanorods", Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 3(2), pp. 021003: 1-6.
Attaluri A., Ma R., and Zhu L., 2011, "Nanoparticle Distribution and Temperature Elevations in Prostatic Tumors in Mice during Magnetic Nanoparticle Hyperthermia", International Journal of Hyperthermia, 27(5), pp. 491 - 502
Attaluri A., Ma R., and Zhu L., 2011, "Using MicroCT Imaging Technique to Quantify Heat Generation Distribution Induced by Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatments," Journal of Heat Transfer, 133(1), pp. 011003-011008.
Attaluri A., Huang Z., and Zhu L., 2010, "Evaluation of an Interstitial
Cooling Device for Carotid Arterial Cooling Using a Tissue Equivalent Gel Phantom," Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2(1), pp. 011007-011012.
Attaluri A., Huang Z., Belwalkar A., Van Geertruyden W., Gao D., and Misiolek W., 2009, "Evaluation of Nano-Porous Alumina Membranes for Hemodialysis Application," American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal, 55(3), pp. 217-23.
B.Tech; M.Eng.; Ph.D (University of Maryland)