A Voice ♦ A Vision ♦ A Common Ground
Since 1981, the Commission for Women has identified areas of concern for the women employees and students of Penn State. It is a forum for exchanging ideas that can translate into improved practices to support women at Penn State.
Its membership represents every employment category: faculty, exempt and non-exempt staff, technical service and administrative, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. The President appoints the members of the commission as an advisory group to recommend policies and programs to enhance the University's working and learning environments.
Specifically, the Commission for Women:
- Assesses and reports on the status of women at Penn State;
- Examines and makes recommendations about issues that affect women employees and students, including workplace and classroom climate; recruitment, advancement, and retention; professional development and recognition; mentoring; maternity and child/elder-care policies; salary equity; intercollegiate athletics;
- Collaborates with departments/organizations in support of gender-equity initiatives;
- Recognizes and celebrates the contributions and achievements of women at Penn State.
Contact Us: Use [email protected] to send an email to the Executive Committee members
2012-2013 Executive Board Members
Lori Ricard, Co Chair
Science, Engineering & Technology
W215 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6541
Shivaani Selvaraj, Co Chair
Faculty Center
W203 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6623
Andrea Hoerner, Treasurer
115 Capital Union Building
[email protected] 717-948-6744
Cara Carter, Co-Secretary
Science, Engineering & Technology
W256 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6093
Stephanie Ponnett, Co-Secretary
Faculty Senate/Honors Program
C118 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6062
Lisa Hipkins, Chair-Elect
Science, Engineering & Technology
W255 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6081
Barbara Bremer Ph.D., Immediate Past Chair
W311 Olmsted Building
[email protected] 717-948-6362