Central PA Signal Integrity Symposium 2017

Topic Abstracts 

Plenary Speaker 1: Vittal Balasubramian

Principal Signal Integrity Engineer, Dell Computers

Topic: Ethernet Roadmap for Networked Storage

Workshop 1: OJ Danzy and Russ Kramer


Topic: Signal Integrity Tips and Techniques Using TDR-VNA Modeling

Workshop 2: Tom MacDonald 


Topic: TBA

Plenary Speaker 2: John Coonrod

Rogers Corporation 

TopicHow High Frequency Circuit Material Properties affect Printed Circuit Board Performance

Lunch Speaker: Dr. Geoffrey Zhang

Distinguished Engineer and SerDes Architect, Xilinx 

Topic: “Moving from NRZ to PAM4 − 56G and beyond for serial communications”

Plenary Speaker 3: Dr. Tracey Vincent

CST of America

Topic: “Comparison of Numerical Techniques for some Connector Applications”

Presenter: Tracey Vincent is an Application Engineer with the CST of America team in Framingham, MA focusing on Signal Integrity and Materials Characterization for 3D simulations. She has a Masters Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, a Masters degree in Numerical Techniques where she wrote an FEA program to solve fields in Ferrimagnetic materials and PhD in Material Science. Tracey has previously been employed with Filtronic Comtek (UK), Aeroflex (UK) and Barry Industries (USA) where she gained experience in designing circulators, combiners, power amplifiers, transitions and filters.

Workshop 3: Chris Scholz

Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc.

Topic: "PAM4 Channel Characterization with Vector Network Analyzers" 

Workshop 4: Jason Ruffing, John Smith, Frank Salvaggio


Topic: TBA

Presentation Downloads

Presentation PDFs will be added to the following archive as they are made available to the Conference organizers.