Fleet Vehicle Request

  • All trips must be pre-approved by the Budget Administrator and scheduled with correct budget information.
  • Please provide a one-week notice (minimum) for your fleet requests to ensure that we can provide a vehicle to meet your needs.
  • Fleet Service Office Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 7 am - 4 pm
  • Drivers must show a valid United States driver's license at time of vehicle pickup.
Requestor Information
Reservation Information
Travel Information
Van Qualifications

Save/Print the completion certificate to PDF; it will be needed for each van request

Upload requirements
Spotted Lantern Fly Requirements

Complete this section ONLY if you are reserving a vehicle between March 16 and November 18.

All Penn State Harrisburg fleet vehicles originate in the Spotted Lantern Fly (SLF) quarantine area. As a result, the driver must complete the SLF training prior to requesting a fleet vehicle, be familiar with all requirements for vehicle inspection, and ensure compliance with these requirements.

A SLF Certificate must be attached with every Vehicle Request.

Training is found on the Learning Resource Network (LRN) by typing "Spotted Lanternfly" in the search box.

Important: Save/Print the completion certificate to PDF; it will be needed for each vehicle request.

Upload requirements
Additional Information