Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, Ph.D.

Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Professor-in-Charge, Master of Arts in Applied Clinical Psychology
Olmsted Building, W311

Stephanie Winkeljohn Black is an associate professor of psychology at Penn State Harrisburg, where she tests and implements psychological frameworks that most effectively broaden peoples’ perceptions of multiculturalism as a keystone of well-being. Her work looks to (1) bridge the gap between how psychotherapists and other health professionals perceive and engage their clients’ cultural identities, particularly their clients’ religious/spiritual beliefs, and the type of understanding and care that their clients need and (2) identify effective pedagogy to teach multicultural concepts to students in higher education.

She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) Society for Counseling Psychology, the APA Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, the APA Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, and a Fellow of the Institute for Academic Feminist Psychologists.

Dr. Winkeljohn Black recently discussed talking about religion on the Listen to Lead podcast.

  • Psychotherapist cultural competency and cultural humility with religious and spiritual clients
  • Multicultural humility and competency in psychotherapy training and supervision
  • Religious, areligious, and spiritual behaviors and beliefs related to mental health
  • Effective pedagogical frameworks for multicultural responsive teaching in higher education

Winkeljohn Black, S. (in press). Using religious and psychological principles to move toward identity integration. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Winkeljohn Black, S., Drinane, J. M., & Akef, Z.* (in press). Detecting microaggressions toward a Muslim client in psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.

Wilcox, M. M., Winkeljohn Black, S., Farra, A., Zimmerman, D., Drinane, J. M., Tao, K.W., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr., Owen, J. (2023). Cultural humility, cultural comfort, and supervision processes and outcomes for BIPOCsupervisees. The Counseling Psychologist, advance online publication.

Wilcox, M. M., Winkeljohn Black, S., Drinane, J. M., Morales-Ramirez, I.*, Akef, Z.*, Tao, K. W., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr., & Owen, J. (2022). A brief qualitative examination of multicultural orientation in clinical supervision. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 53(6), 585-595.

Winkeljohn Black, S., *Akef, Z., & *Thomas, C. (2022). Using a consultation assignment to enhance trainees’ understanding and implementation of social justice in career counseling. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 14(1), 106-123.

Trusty, W. T., Swift, J. K., Winkeljohn Black, S., Dimmick, A. A., & Penix, E. A. (2022).Religious microaggressions in psychotherapy: A mixed methods examination of client perspectives. Psychotherapy, 59(3), 351-362.

*Dalbayrak, N., & Winkeljohn Black, S. (accepted). Coping strategies and well-being in U.S. and Turkish college students. Journal of College Counseling.

Winkeljohn Black, S. & Klinger, K.* (2022). Building Spiritual Strength: A spiritually integrated approach to treating moral injury. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 9(4), 313-320.

Immekus, J., Winkeljohn Black, S., Jeppsen, B., Pössel, P. (2022). Application of the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Framework to Multidimensional Prayer Instruments: Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Prayer Frequency Scale. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture. Advance Online publication.

Wilcox, M. M., Drinane, J. M., Winkeljohn Black, S., Cabrera, L., DeBlaere, C., Tao, K.W., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., & Owen, J. (2022). Layered cultural processes: The relationship between multicultural orientation and satisfaction with supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 16(3), 235-243.

Jeppsen, B., Winkeljohn Black, S., Pössel, P., & Rosmarin, D. (2022). Does closeness to God mediate the relationship between prayer and mental health in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim samples? Mental Health, Religion, and Culture. Online advance.

Drinane, J., Wilcox, M., Cabrera, L., & Winkeljohn Black, S. (2021). To conceal or not to conceal: Supervisee and client identity processes in clinical supervision. Journal of Psychotherapy. Online advance.

Wilcox, M. M., Drinane, J. M., Winkeljohn Black, S., Cabrera, L., DeBlaere, C., Tao, K. W., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., & Owen, J. (2021). Layered cultural processes: The relationship between multicultural orientation and satisfaction with supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication.

Winkeljohn Black, S., Drinane, J. M., Owen, J., DeBlaere, C., & Davis, D. (2021). Integrating spirituality as a multicultural component into time-limited psychotherapy: Two case studies. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 52(2), 121-129.

Winkeljohn Black, S., Owen, J., *Soler, N., & Fincham, F. (2020). Reasons for drinking, depressive symptoms and hooking up among young adult women. Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention, available online.

Winkeljohn Black, S., Owen, J., *Soler, N., & Fincham, F. (in press). Reasons for drinking, depressive symptoms and hooking up among young adult women. Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention.

Winkeljohn Black, S. (2020). Using motivational interviewing and constructivism techniques to address information illiteracy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(1), 130-134.

Winkeljohn Black, S., & *Gold, A. (2019). Trainees’ cultural humility and implicit associations about clients and religious, areligious, and spiritual identities: A mixed-method investigation. Journal of Psychology & Theology, 47(3), 202-216.

Winkeljohn Black, S., Brelsford, G. Y., Worthington, E. L., Jr., Davis, D. E., Hook, J. N., Garthe, R. C., Reid, C. A., & Van Tongren, D. (2019). How do humility prototypes affect the association between perceptions of spouse’s humility and depressive symptoms and couple conflict? Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(6), 836-844.

Winkeljohn Black, S., *Kaminsky, G., *Hudson, A., Owen, J., & Fincham, F. (2019). A short-term longitudinal investigation of hookups and holistic outcomes among college students. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(6), 1829-1845.

Pössel, P., Winkeljohn Black, S., Bjerg, A. C., Jeppsen, B. D., & Wooldridge, D. T. (2018). Does rumination mediate the association between private prayer and depression? A cross-sectional study. Psychological Studies, 63, 346-358. 10.1007/s12646-018-0464-8

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Owen, J., Chapman, N., Lavin, K., Drinane, J., & Kuo, P. (2017). Feedback informed treatment: An empirically supported case study of psychodynamic therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 73.

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Mollazade, J., Mohammadnia, S., & Pössel, P. (2017). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Cognitive Error Questionnaire in a sample of Iranian students. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 10(3), 21.

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Pössel, P., & Dietz, A. (2017). Understanding Student Drinking Patterns: Does Shame-proneness matter? Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention, 0(0).

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Pössel, P., Rosmarin, D., Tariq, A., & Jeppsen, B. (2017). Prayer Type, Disclosure, and Mental Health across Religious Groups. Counseling and Values, 62(3).

Cauley, B., Pössel, P., Hooper, L., & Winkeljohn Black, S. M. (2017). Teaching behavior and positive and negative affect in high school students: Does students' race matter? School Mental Health, 0(0).

Chapman, N., Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Drinane, J., Bach, N., & Owen, J. (2017) Quantitative performance measurement: Feedback informed treatment. In Rousmaniere, R. Goodyear, S. Miller, & B. Wampold (Eds.), The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training (pp. 123-143). Wiley-Blackwell.

Pössel, P., & Winkeljohn Black, S. M. (2017). Can the hopelessness model of depression and the Response Style Theory be integrated? Journal of Counseling and Development, 95(2), 180-191.

Nienhaus, J., Owen, J., Valentine, J. C., Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Halford, T., Parazak, S., & Hilsenroth, M. (2016). Therapeutic alliance, empathy, and genuineness in individual adult psychotherapy: A meta-analytic review. Psychotherapy Research, 0(0).

Gabel, C. P., Cuesta-Vargas, A., Barr, S., Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Osborne, J. W., & Melloh, M. (2016). Confirmatory factor analysis of the neck disability index in a whiplash population indicates a one-factor model is viable. European Spine Journal, 25, 2078-2086.

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Pössel, P., Jeppsen, B. D., Bjerg, A., & Wooldridge, D. T. (2015). Disclosure during private prayer as a mediator between prayer type and mental health. Journal of Religion and Health, 54(2), 540-553.

Jeppsen, B., Pössel, P., Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Bjerg, A., & Wooldridge, D. T. (2015). Closeness and control: Exploring the relationship between prayer and mental health. Counseling and Values, 60(2), 164-185.

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., Jeppsen, B., Pössel, P., Rosmarin, D., & Tariq, A. (2015). The stability of Poloma and Pendleton’s (1989) prayer types model across Christian, Jewish, and Muslim praying adults: One scale or a family of scales? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 7(3), 205-216.

Winkeljohn Black, S. M., & Pössel, P. (2015). Integrating Beck’s cognitive model and the response style theory in an adolescent sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(1), 195-210.

Pössel, P., Winkeljohn Black, S., Bjerg, A. C., Jeppsen, B. D., & Wooldridge, D. W. (2014). Do trust-based beliefs mediate the associations of frequency of private prayer with mental health? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Religion and Health, 53, 904-916.

Rudasill, K., Pössel, P., Winkeljohn Black, S. M., & Niehaus, K. (2014). Teacher support mediates concurrent and longitudinal associations between temperament and depressive symptoms in sixth grade. Early Child Development and Care, 186(6), 803-818.

Pössel, P., & Winkeljohn Black, S. M. (2014). Testing three different sequential mediational interpretations of Beck’s cognitive model of depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70(1), 72-94.

Winkeljohn Black, S. & Pössel, P. (2013). The combined effects of self-referent information processing and ruminative responses on adolescent depression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 1145-1154.

Pössel, P., Rudasill, K. M., Adelson, J. L., Wooldridge, D. T., Bjerg, A. C., & Winkeljohn Black, S. (2013). Teaching behavior and well-being in students: Development and concurrent validity of an instrument to measure student-reported teaching behavior. International Journal of Emotional Education, 5, 5-30.

Ph.D. (University of Louisville)

B.A. (College of William & Mary in Virginia)

PSYCH 100 (Introduction to Psychology)
PSYCH 410 (Child Development)
PSYCH 432 (Multicultural Psychology in America)
PSYCH 476 (Child Psychopathology
PSYC 517 (Psychopathology)
PSYC 573 (Career Counseling)
PSYC 895 (Practicum)